Frequently Asked Questions
The airport master plan is the short- and long-term development concept for the airport. It is the local airport planning document to be used as guidance in planning for airport facility needs over a 20-year time period.
Provide a visioning document to guide airport management and other decision makers regarding development of the airport over the next 20 years.
- Address local and national changes in the aviation industry that could impact priorities at MKC
- Identify and plan for potential capital projects, in advance, so that coordination, approvals, financing, design and construction can take place in a timely manner
- Develop a plan that addresses FAA and airport priorities
- To have a current and approved Airport Layout Plan (ALP) on file with FAA so that future grant funding can continue uninterrupted
- To increase stakeholder/public awareness of the airports' goals and objectives
- To maintain communication and capital project discussions with FAA and airport stakeholders
- To document justification for FAA funding of specific projects, where it exists, and to provide triggers that would justify planned future projects
The FAA recommends that public use facilities such as MKC update their master plan every 7-10 years or as local aviation conditions change. The current master plan was completed in 2004.
Coffman Associates, a national aviation consulting firm specializing in airport planning studies, was selected following a qualifications-based selection process.
The FAA provides 90 percent funding through the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) for eligible portions of the project and the city provides the remaining 10 percent. AIP is funded through the federal Aviation Trust Fund, which is funded exclusively by aviation user fees, including taxes on airline tickets, aviation fuel, and some aircraft parts.
- Existing Airport Inventory
- Aviation Activity Forecasts (to be approved by FAA)
- Facility Requirements
- Development Alternatives
- Recommended Master Plan Concept
- Capital Improvement Program/Financial Plan
- Land Use Compatibility Analysis
- Airport Layout Plan (to be approved by FAA)
The PAC consists of local community leaders and stakeholders. The PAC will provide guidance and feedback on draft master plan documents. PAC meetings take place at key milestones in the planning process. A list of individuals serving on the PAC can be obtained from airport management.
To view a PDF of the role of the PAC and the study process, click here.
All pertinent project materials, including draft submissions, are posted to this website in the Master Plan Documents. In addition, this project calls for up to three public information workshops which will be held during the master plan development process. The public information workshop will be advertised locally and on this project website.